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Limp mode reset tools – what is it and how do they work ?

Limp mode reset tool does exactly ‘what it says on the tin’ – it resets limp mode in heavy goods vehicles. Obviously, it will not fix the problem, it will simply reset limp mode temporarily allowing driver to get to the destination, back to base or to a safe place to stop. Each time limp mode reset tool is plugged into OBD diagnostic port it will reset limp mode and instantly return vehicle to full power.

Truck Help limp mode reset tool is exceptional value for money, imagine being stuck on the road in limp mode and having to call out mobile mechanic or recovery service, all of this hassle and expenditures can be avoided.. Having your limp mode reseted only once will probably cost you more that what you can buy our limp mode reset tool for ! Being able to instantly return vehicle to full power in limp mode emergency will not only save you money, but also time.

Below, we will try to clarify a few things by answered some of most common questions we get from our customers:

How does it work ?
Truck Help limp mode reset device uses diagnostic protocols to reset limp mode, meaning it works just as any other diagnostic device. A special fault clearing algorithms are used to reset limp mode and return vehicle to full power instantly. Device is fully automatic, all you need to do is turn ignition on and plug it into OBD port, device will do the rest. It can be used unlimited number of times and is unreplaceable gadget to have in limp mode emergencies.

Can I use it on any truck ?
No. Each device is programmed to a certain truck make. So Volvo device will work on Volvo trucks, DAF device will work only on DAF trucks and so on.. In some cases there will be further variations, for example in Volvo trucks one device will suit FH, FM, FMX models, but a different device would be required for FE, FL models. Same goes for DAF, one device will work on XF and CF models, but a different device would be required for LF rucks..

So in summary, Truck Help limp mode reset devices are not universal and will only work on vehicle make/models it was programmed for. Each of our products has detailed description on which trucks it is suitable for so please read through details to make sure you are getting what you need.

Our limp mode reset tools can be re-programmed to suit another make/model. So if you have changed your truck in the future you can always get in touch and we’ll be happy to re-program it for you for a small fee.

Does it delete limp mode or just reset it temporarily ?
It does not delete limp mode and does not in any other way interfere with any of the electronic control units in the vehicle. Truck Help limp mode reset tool will temporarily reset limp mode using diagnostic communication protocols just as any other diagnostic tool. Being a temporary reset, limp mode will of course come back again, in which case you can reset it again and again, but to get rid of limp mode permanently you will need to fix the actual problem causing limp mode. Our limp mode reset device was developed to help drivers when stuck in limp mode to reach their destination or a safe place to stop on full power without having to spend vast amounts of money on mobile mechanic or recovery services.

How many times can I reset limp mode in my truck ?
Device can be used unlimited number of times and comes with 2 year unlimited usage warranty.

How long will it be till limp mode comes back again after resetting it ?
This question is practically impossible to answer. Reseting limp mode will instantly return vehicle to full power temporarily, but it will not get rid of limp mode for good nor it will fix the problem. How long will it take for limp mode to come back depends on many factors, such as what active faults/errors are there, how long have they been active, where and how the vehicle is driven and so on.. We guarantee it will always reset limp mode and return your vehicle to full power time and time again, but time periods between the limp mode being reset and it coming back again depends on many factors as described above.

Is it safe to use ?
It is perfectly safe to use. Using Truck Help limp mode reset tool is nothing more than using a standard diagnostic equipment.